
What is a Check In?

This is an inspection and report whereby the tenant is asked to verify the accuracy of the original Inventory of Plight and Condition prepared by the inventory clerk and verified by the landlord before the check in.

The original inventory clerk (or someone representing them) meets the ingoing tenant and accompanies them around the property, with the Inventory to hand. The tenant is asked to check and confirm that each item listed on the Inventory is detailed correctly and they are then asked to sign the Inventory to that effect. Any discrepancies or additions to the original Inventory will be noted whilst checking in the tenant and then a new report will be compiled highlighting these issues. We also agree with the tenant meter readings, check the gas and electricity safety certificates and the number of keys handed over. We will also advise the tenants how they should leave the property at the end of the tenancy.

The resulting document will be sent to both the landlord and tenant for confirmation.


If the Inventory does not included sufficient information on the condition of items at the start of the tenancy, it will be difficult to establish liability for any items damaged or in need of cleaning and this may result in substantial losses for either the landlord or tenant.